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Re: [O] advice please: best way to export to DOC(X) with maths

From: Scott Randby
Subject: Re: [O] advice please: best way to export to DOC(X) with maths
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2017 18:45:11 -0500
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On 12/17/2017 10:14 PM, Grant Rettke wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 10:55 AM, Scott Randby <address@hidden> wrote:
>> On 12/15/2017 01:43 PM, Grant Rettke wrote:
>>> Write it in Org. Export to Pandoc file pandoc-A.
>>> Export Pandoc file pandoc-A to Word file word-A. Send that to your
>>> peers for review.
>>> Export Word file word-A to Pandoc file pandoc-B.
>>> Get the Word from your peers, the file with changes from their review,
>>> word-C. Export it to pandoc-C
>>> Do a diff between pandoc-B and pandoc-C. Integrate the results into
>>> your original Org file.
>> I'm confused. My understanding is that Pandoc converts between file formats, 
>> so I don't understand what you mean by a Pandoc file. What is the file 
>> format of pandoc-A?
>> Is this what you mean?
>> Pandoc: Org -> word-A
>> Pandoc: word-A -> pandoc-B.org
>> Pandoc: word-C -> pandoc-C.org
> Pandoc has their own markup language "Pandoc Markdown". That is what I
> meant by "Pandoc". And that was totally wrong in regards to your
> question. Sorry my mistake.
> You said it right, yes. It makes it easy to diff the "reverse
> engineered" Org fils to see what changed from the reviewers.

I appreciate the clarification. Your method is very useful to me since I 
frequently have to work with people who know nothing but Word and since 
LibreOffice doesn't deal well with some of the poorly formatted DOCX files I 
receive. I've been experimenting with some sample files, and your method works 

I know this is a lost cause, but I dream of the future in which document 
collaboration is done using only text files.


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