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Re: [O] Library of Babel confusion

From: Berry, Charles
Subject: Re: [O] Library of Babel confusion
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2018 02:38:23 +0000

> On Apr 6, 2018, at 4:59 PM, Thomas S. Dye <address@hidden> wrote:

[Tom's response covering the main issues deleted]

> hth,
> Tom
> Lawrence Bottorff writes:
>> I guess I need more information. For example, what is C-c C-v v doing
>> exactly? Then C-x C-e? And  M-x (symbol-function 'myelsquare) doesn't work.

`C-h k' is really your friend here. If you do not know it, try typing it twice 
`C-h k C-h k'.

As for the specific keystrokes mentioned above:

,----[ C-h k C-c C-v v ]
| C-c C-v v runs the command org-babel-expand-src-block (found in
| org-mode-map), which is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp
| function in ‘ob-core.el’.
| It is bound to C-c C-v v, C-c C-v C-v.
| (org-babel-expand-src-block &optional ARG INFO PARAMS)
| Expand the current source code block.
| Expand according to the source code block’s header
| arguments and pop open the results in a preview buffer.
| [back]

In your case, it shows that the `mtelsquare' src block expands to:

| (let ((x (quote 0)))
| (defun myelsquare (x)
|   (* x x))
| )

,----[ C-h k C-x C-e ]
| C-x C-e runs the command eval-last-sexp (found in global-map), which
| is an interactive compiled Lisp function in ‘elisp-mode.el’.
| It is bound to C-x C-e.
| (eval-last-sexp EVAL-LAST-SEXP-ARG-INTERNAL)
| Evaluate sexp before point; print value in the echo area.
| Interactively, with prefix argument, print output into current buffer.
| Normally, this function truncates long output according to the value
| of the variables ‘eval-expression-print-length’ and
| ‘eval-expression-print-level’.  With a prefix argument of zero,
| however, there is no such truncation.  Such a prefix argument
| also causes integers to be printed in several additional formats
| (octal, hexadecimal, and character).
| If ‘eval-expression-debug-on-error’ is non-nil, which is the default,
| this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.
| [back]

So with point at the end of the preview buffer for myelsquare (which has one 
`let' expression it it) it has the same effect as running `eval-buffer'. viz, 
the elisp function `myelsquare' is created.

If you have gotten this far, there is an lisp function called `myelsquare' and 
the `symbol-function' expression will return its value when properly `eval'ed. 
I misspoke before. I should have said 

        M-: (symbol-function 'myelsquare) RET

And that value is `(lambda (x) (* x x))'. Which simply shows you have defun'ed 
a function and what it is.

Once you have an elisp function, the natural way to call it is 
src_emacs-lisp{(myelsquare 1.5)}. 

One thing you can do with LOB blocks is use them in header args of src blocks 
just as you would use calls to ordinary src blocks. 



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