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Re: [O] statistics with R, convert the result into an org table

From: William Denton
Subject: Re: [O] statistics with R, convert the result into an org table
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 10:55:20 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (DEB 1266 2009-07-14)

I don't think it is possible without a step in the middle, because
"Min.   :2.0000" is all one string (in a cell in a matrix).

#+begin_src R :results output :var qual=qual :colnames yes
s <- summary(qual)

: [1] "Min.   :2.000  "

You would have to split each cell into two parts by splitting on the colon. I think extract from tidyr [1] might do the job.


[1] http://tidyr.tidyverse.org/reference/extract.html

On 11 April 2018, Uwe Brauer wrote:


I use structure like this

Statistics with R

#+tblname: qual
| 8.3 | 1.4 |
| 7.3 | 5.6 |
|   2 | 1.3 |
| 5.7 | 9.3 |
| 5.3 | 5.9 |
|   4 |     |
| 6.9 |     |
#+begin_src R :results output :var qual=qual

And obtain

:        V1              V2
:  Min.   :2.000   Min.   :1.3
:  1st Qu.:4.650   1st Qu.:1.4
:  Median :5.700   Median :5.6
:  Mean   :5.643   Mean   :4.7
:  3rd Qu.:7.100   3rd Qu.:5.9
:  Max.   :8.300   Max.   :9.3
:                  NA's   :2.0

Is there a way to have the result already translated into an org table
resulting in

| V1      |       |         |  V2 |   |
| Min.    | 2.000 | Min.    | 1.3 |   |
| 1st Qu. | 4.650 | 1st Qu. | 1.4 |   |
| Median  | 5.700 | Median  | 5.6 |   |
| Mean    | 5.643 | Mean    | 4.7 |   |
| 3rd Qu. | 7.100 | 3rd Qu. | 5.9 |   |
| Max.    | 8.300 | Max.    | 9.3 |   |

Uwe Brauer

William Denton :: Toronto, Canada   ---   Listening to Art: 
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Caveat lector.                      ---   STAPLR: http://staplr.org/

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