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Re: [O] [PATCH] Add support for Babel with Eshell, (updated PATCH)

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: Re: [O] [PATCH] Add support for Babel with Eshell, (updated PATCH)
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 23:35:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.3 (gnu/linux)

stardiviner <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi, Nicolas, thank you always review my Org-mode patches. Yesterday, I
> ask Bastein about Worg ox-org question. He mentioned I should at least
> say "Hi" in message. I'm not good at English culture of something else.
> But I just want to say, I'm glad you reviewed my patches. Really. Thanks
> and that means a lot to me.

You're welcome.

> Aha, I found it, is there a way to auto sort this table automatically?
> (Maybe format it into two columns instead of four columns even though it
> looks short and better.) Adding one language into this table, then move
> following languages in table one by one is awful.

True. I usually define a quick Emacs macro when I need to shift
a substantial part of this table. I'm not sure it is faster in the end,
but it sure is more interesting.

>>     (mapc #'eshell-command var-lines)
> I previously patches, you mentioned to use `dolist`, so I used it this
> time, what's the difference between mapc and dolist? I thought might be
> performance or something else. Maybe looks cleaner?

What I said it `mapc' + `lambda' => `dolist'. This is because calling
lambda is somewhat inefficient in Emacs Lisp. So, instead of (mapc
(lambda (e) (do stuff on e))), it is better to write (dolist (e ...) (do
stuff on e)) since there is one level of indirection less.

In the example above, there is no `lambda'. So (mapc #'function ...) is
shorter and better.

> I copy form other test-ob-*.el file template. forgot to change copyright
> name. should I use my own name "stardiviner"?



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