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Re: [O] RFC: Proposal for an Org Special Block for ox-html

From: Kaushal Modi
Subject: Re: [O] RFC: Proposal for an Org Special Block for ox-html
Date: Thu, 24 May 2018 14:28:06 -0400

Hello Aaron,

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 2:08 PM Kaushal Modi <address@hidden> wrote:
Expanding on your idea.. what if we had another Special block with name summary?

Open for details

More summary.
Many details here.

From quick testing, this works (doesn't support the div tags for HTML4). The good part is that the "summary" Special Block is automatically handled by ox-html. 

     ((string= block-type "details")
      ;; Recognize Org Special blocks like:
      ;;   #+begin_details
      ;;   #+begin_summary
      ;;   This is summary.
      ;;   #+end_summary
      ;;   Here are the details.
      ;;   #+end_details
      (let* ((is-open (member "open" (org-element-property :attr_html special-block)))
             (str1 (org-blackfriday-special-block special-block contents nil))
             ;; Insert a new-line before the closing </details> tag
             ;; for correct Markdown parsing for cases when the
             ;; Special Block content ends a code block. Without this
             ;; inserted newline, the Markdown converted content will
             ;; look like below, and Blackfriday won't parse it
             ;; correctly.
             ;;   ```emacs-lisp
             ;;   (message "a code block")
             ;;   ```</details>
             ;; A closing </p> tag is also added.. the opening <p>
             ;; tag is later added in the `str2' var if summary is
             ;; present, else in `str3' var.
             (str1 (replace-regexp-in-string "</details>\\'" "\n</p>\\&" str1))
             ;; Detect the summary closing tag "</summary>".
             ;; Also add the opening <p> tag with "details" class
             ;; so that just as CSS rules can be set for summary
             ;; ("details summary"), they can be set for the details
             ;; portion following the <summary> too, using "details
             ;; .details".
             (str2 (replace-regexp-in-string
                    "\\1<p class=\"details\">"
        ;; (message "[DBG details/summary]: is-open:%S `%s' `%s'" is-open str1 str2)
        (if is-open
            (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\(<details\\)>" "\\1 open>" str2)

Also, thinking about HTML4 support, as details and summary tags were added in HTML5, the "support" would be simply to and the (string= block-type "details") condition with org-html-html5-fancy or equivalent. So then for HTML4, details and summary Special Blocks will simply be div tags.

Kaushal Modi

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