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[O] C++ is not accepted for SRC block evaluation

From: Van L
Subject: [O] C++ is not accepted for SRC block evaluation
Date: Sat, 26 May 2018 22:15:18 +1000


The `m-x customize’ path to `org-babel-load-languages’ or the following method 
won’t accept C++.

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results none
   '((C++ . t)))

The messages buffer has the following.

   executing Elisp code block...
   org-babel-do-load-languages: Cannot open load file: No such file or 
directory, ob-C++

M-x org-version
Org mode version 9.1.9

M-x emacs-version
GNU Emacs 26.1

Section 14.7 Languages in the Org Mode working with source code infopages lists 

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