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[O] [patch] Check org-structure-template-alist

From: Rasmus
Subject: [O] [patch] Check org-structure-template-alist
Date: Sun, 27 May 2018 14:57:08 +0200
User-agent: Emacs Gnus


Here’s a patch that would check org-structure-template-alist for the "old"

It just pops a user-error if the old format is detected (it checks if the
cdr of org-structure-template-alist entries is a list).

On my system, binding max-mini-window-height seems to have no effect.  My
test window-total-height is 35.

    (let ((max-mini-window-height 15))
      (message (mapconcat 'number-to-string (number-sequence 1 15) "\n")))

If there’s any better way to display the error or check if
org-structure-template-alist is in the "old" format let me know.


Slowly unravels in a ball of yarn and the devil collects it

Attachment: 0001-Check-format-of-org-structure-template-alist.patch
Description: Text Data

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