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Re: [O] org-detangle seems broken

From: Grant Rettke
Subject: Re: [O] org-detangle seems broken
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2018 18:19:35 -0500

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 7:18 AM, Frederick Giasson <address@hidden> wrote:
> There is one last thing related to =org-babel-detangle= that seems "broken"
> is that as far as I can see, the top =save-excursion= should save the
> position of the cursor of the source file and keep the buffer at that
> position when we perform a detangling on it, no?
> Right now, the behavior is that when we do a detangle from a source file,
> the org file get opened in the buffer of the source file.
> However, I think that the right behavior is that when we detangle that the
> remain at the same position in the source file otherwise this gets confusing
> in my opinion.
> Is that a bug or the expected behavior?

I think it is expected. The code looks like this:

(when (setq new-body (org-babel-tangle-jump-to-org))
      (org-babel-update-block-body new-body))

The first time I detangled I was surprised, too.

But then it hit me: if you are detangling then you probably might want to
1. See the updated code
2. Commit the updated code

So now I like it.

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