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Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export

From: Berry, Charles
Subject: Re: [O] Painfully Slow Export
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 15:51:16 +0000

> On Jun 12, 2018, at 7:01 AM, Ken Mankoff <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm trying to export a file to LaTeX. It takes about one minute. The
> file is 12000 lines long and has 200 code blocks. I have set:
> #+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export

That is the right idiom.  Of course, you have to refresh the local setup after 
typing that (C-c C-c with point in the PROPERTY line) or it will have no effect 
until you save and re-open the file.

It is good to check that you have refreshed and that there are no typos or 
hidden chars in the line, so go to a src block and type

C-c C-v C-i

and verify that you see something like this

| Lang: R
| Properties:
|       :header-args    :eval never-export
|       :header-args:R  nil
| Header Arguments:
|       :cache          no
|       :eval           never-export
|       :exports        code
|       :hlines         no
|       :noweb          no
|       :results        replace
|       :session        none
|       :tangle         no

You should see both the :header-args line as you typed it and the :eval line 
showing never-export.

> which means, I think, no babel blocks should evaluate.
> (setq org-export-use-babel t) seems to be the culprit. 

Leave it set to `t'.


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