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[O] [Solution?] (was: table lookup combine remote: problems)

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: [O] [Solution?] (was: table lookup combine remote: problems)
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 09:07:19 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> "Uwe" == Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> writes:

It seems that the following works.

#+TBLNAME: raw-data
| First | Second | Third | Forth      |
|    NP | NP     |    NP |         NP |
|    NP | NP     |    NP |         NP |
|   3.5 | NP     |    NP |        2.8 |
|    NP | NP     |    NP |         NP |
|   2.5 | 3.25   |   7.7 |        3.5 |
|     4 | NP     |   4.5 |        3.7 |
|    NP | NP     |    NP |         NP |

#+TBLNAME: stat-marco
#+ATTR_HTML: :border 2 :rules all :frame border
|    | lower bound | upper bound | frequency |
| SS |         0.1 |         4.9 |         1 |
| AP |           5 |         6.9 |         0 |
| NT |           7 |         8.9 |         1 |
| SB |           9 |          10 |         0 |
| NP |             |             |         5 |
#+TBLFM: $4='(length (org-lookup-all '($2 $3) '(remote(raw-data,@2$3..@>$3)) 
nil 'in-interval));N::@>$4='(length(org-lookup-all "NP" 
'(remote(raw-data,(@2$3..@>$3)) nil)))

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