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Re: [O] ob-clojure.el is not compatible with new CIDER API

From: Tim Cross
Subject: Re: [O] ob-clojure.el is not compatible with new CIDER API
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2018 08:14:22 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.18; emacs 26.1

No, there is no public repo and I'm not sure I even kept what little I
had done - it was just a hacked elisp file. I'll have a look through my
elisp archive, but don't expect much.

Over the weekend, I caught up on a bit of clojure and things have
progressed in the last few months. I notice the clj tool seems quite
mature and there is now support for clojurescript with it as well. Don't
know if inf-clojure will move (has already moved?) to be based around it
or not?

At any rate, I think you are probably better off starting from scratch
rather than trying to 'adjust' the existing package. There are some
cases where I can see someone wanting cider/slime support, but for the
majority of cases, just plain clojure via inf-clojure or clojure/clj or
one of the many available repl clients should be fairly straight

The real challenge is in deciding how to handle interaction between
different clojure blocks and their dependencies. The simple solution
would likely be to just start some form of repl session and have all
blocks sent to that session. However, you then need to decide how to
handle matters when someone opens a new org file. You probably don't
want old definitions/artifacts from the previous session in the repl, so
you would need a clean way of managing multiple sessions (one per org

Apart from that, all you really need is the ability to send a form to
the repl and read back the result. The inf-clojure package already has
most of the infrastructure for doing that, but from memory, it was a
little hard to fit it into the existing structure of ob-clojure.el -
which is why you may be better off just implementing an
ob-inf-clojure.el rather than try to add a 3rd method to the existing
package (which supports cide and the old slime-clojure interfaces).

stardiviner <address@hidden> writes:

> Tim Cross <address@hidden> writes:
>> I did begin to look at it. From memory, the inf-clojure integration didn't 
>> look that hard,
>> but it did require some additional scaffolding to mae the comms work well. I 
>> then got
>> distracted with a new job and haven't had time to go back to it. Currently, 
>> I've not had time
>> to do any Clojure work, so it is not high on the priority list.
> Can I see your work? Do you have any public source code repository online of 
> this?

Tim Cross

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