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[O] English and Dutch version of a Graphviz picture

From: Cecil Westerhof
Subject: [O] English and Dutch version of a Graphviz picture
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 12:38:54 +0200

I have the following:
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file Graphviz/habitLoop.png :cmdline -Kfdp -Tpng
digraph habitLoop {
    bgcolor = steelblue
    edge [penwidth = 4.0 ]
    node [fontcolor = white, fontsize = 60, style = filled]

    spur   [pos = "4,4!" color = red]
    habit  [pos = "7,1!" color = darkgreen]
    reward [pos = "1,1!" color = blue]

    spur:e   -> habit:n
    habit:w  -> reward:e
    reward:n -> spur:w

    copyright [
                pos       = "4,.75!"
                color     = steelblue,
                fontcolor = black,
                fontsize  = 14,
                label     = "© Cecil address@hidden",
                shape     = plaintext

    spur   [label = "Spur"]
    habit  [label = "Habit"]
    reward [label = "Reward"]

But I also want to have a Dutch version. So I also have:
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file Graphviz/gewoonteLoop.png :cmdline -Kfdp -Tpng
digraph habitLoop {
    bgcolor = steelblue
    edge [penwidth = 4.0 ]
    node [fontcolor = white, fontsize = 60, style = filled]

    spur   [pos = "4,4!" color = red]
    habit  [pos = "7,1!" color = darkgreen]
    reward [pos = "1,1!" color = blue]

    spur:e   -> habit:n
    habit:w  -> reward:e
    reward:n -> spur:w

    copyright [
                pos       = "4,.75!"
                color     = steelblue,
                fontcolor = black,
                fontsize  = 14,
                label     = "© Cecil address@hidden",
                shape     = plaintext

    spur   [label = "Prikkel"]
    habit  [label = "Gewoonte"]
    reward [label = "Beloning"]

The only difference are the three label statements. Can this be done more efficient? Because now I need to do updates at two places. That is an accident waiting to happen.

Cecil Westerhof

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