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Re: [O] Concatenating Org property values from parent subtrees

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [O] Concatenating Org property values from parent subtrees
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 23:47:52 +0800


Check out the following code:

(defvar org-concatenated-properties '("AA")
  "A list of property names (strings), which should be computed via 
concatenation with the parent properties.")

(define-advice org-entry-get (:around (oldfun pom property &optional inherit 
literal-nil) concatenate-parents-maybe)
  "Concatenate the PROPERTY value with its parent entries' values if the 
PROPERTY is in `org-concatenated-properties' list."
  (if (not (member property org-concatenated-properties))
      (apply oldfun pom property inherit literal-nil)
    (let ((value-here (funcall oldfun pom property nil 't))
          (value (funcall oldfun pom property inherit 't)))
      (if value-here
          (format "%s%s"  (org-with-wide-buffer
                           (if (org-up-heading-safe)
                               (or (org-entry-get nil property inherit 
literal-nil) "")
                  (funcall oldfun pom property inherit literal-nil))
        (when value
           (org-entry-get nil property inherit literal-nil)))))))


Michael Welle <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello,
> Michael Welle <address@hidden> writes:
> [...]
>> (defun hmw/org-prop-append(prop value)
>>   (save-excursion
>>   (org-up-heading-safe)
>>   (format "%s %s" value (cdr (assq prop
>>                                    (car 
>> (org-babel-params-from-properties)))))))
>> (defalias 'A 'hmw/org-prop-append)
> and I just realise that it works with code blocks only. I guess the way
> to get general property values has to be adapted.
> Regards
> hmw

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