#+BEGIN_SRC python -r +n
#!/bin/env python (ref:bang)
print() (ref:print)
Next, you need to modify line [[(filename)]] to point to the Excel sheet you have saved the data in, line [[(sheet)]] with an integer for the sheet number for the data (index starts at 1), and line [[(range)]] with the range for the data.
#+BEGIN_SRC python -r +n
filename = 'Copper_Samples' (ref:filename)
sheet = 6 (ref:sheet)
Tstar1 = xlsread(filename, sheet, 'A2:E29') (ref:range)
When I export this to LaTeX, the line numbers to the coderefs in the text are correct, but the line numbers in each code block start at 1. I am using minted for the export. Is there an option that will tell minted to continue the line numbers from the previous block?
Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213