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Re: PATCH: Display point of code block point when confirming evaluation

From: TEC
Subject: Re: PATCH: Display point of code block point when confirming evaluation
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 12:57:58 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com> writes:

That sounds reasonable to me, and the change looks fine to me. My only thought is that perhaps the line number would be friendlier to report,
but I don't feel strongly about that.
+1 for line numbers

Assuming the current format is something like:
 "Do you want to eval <lang> block at <pos> y/n:"
I'd be in favour of:
 "Do you want to eval <lang> block at <pos> (line <line>) y/n:"
or similar.

All the best,


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