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exclude certain subsection in columnview

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: exclude certain subsection in columnview
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2021 22:02:33 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)


Please consider the following example:
how can I exclude the last ** G3 entry


Uwe Brauer 

#+begin_src elisp

* Sheets                                                           :noexport:
  :COLUMNS:  %10SSheet(Sheet Nr) %10Ex(Exercise Nr)  %17Date(Date) 
  :ID2:       Sheet1

** DONE G1                                                   :noexport:
    :ID:       G1
    :User1:    John
    :email1: john@gmail.com
    :Start:    <2021-02-16 mar>
    :End:      <2021-05-24 lun>
    :STATUS:   [ ]
    :ST1:      [ ]
    :Sheet:    H1
    :Ex:       E1

** DONE G2
    :ID:       G2
    :Usuario1: Jane
    :email1:   jane@gmail.com
    :Start:    <2020-07-26 Sun>
    :End:      <2020-11-22 dom>
    :STATUS:   [X]
    :ST1:      [X]
    :Sheet:    H1
    :Ex:       E3

** WAIT G3
    :Id:       G3
    :Usuario1: Fritz
    :Start:    <2020-07-26 Sun>
    :End:      <2020-11-22 dom>
    :ST2:      [X]
    :STATUS:   [X]
    :Sheet:     H2
    :Ex:       E2

    - State "WAIT"       from "DONE"       [2021-10-16 sáb 21:55]
** Grupo Todos Ejercicios
#+BEGIN: columnview2 :hlines 2 :indent nil :format " %5TODO(Status) %5Id(Grupo) 
%5Ej(Ejercicio) %5Sheet(Sheet) %7ST1(Status){X/} %7ST2(Status){X/}"
| <5>    | <5>   | <5>       | <5>   | <7>    | <7>    |
| Status | Grupo | Ejercicio | Sheet | Status | Status |
|        |       |           |       | [1/2]  | [1/1]  |
| DONE   | G1    |           | H1    | [ ]    |        |
| DONE   | G2    |           | H1    | [X]    |        |
| WAIT   | G3    |           | H2    |        | [X]    |
|        |       |           |       |        |        |

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