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"Cache corruption detected" when editing CLOCK timestamp by hand

From: William Denton
Subject: "Cache corruption detected" when editing CLOCK timestamp by hand
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:47:25 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.22 (DEB 394 2020-01-19)

Sometimes I edit timestamps by hand when I'm clocking things. I had a task where I'd clocked in and wanted to close by hand (by adding --[2021 and so on to the CLOCK line) but when I started typing this popped up in a window:

Warning (emacs): org-element--cache: Cache corruption detected in 
work-diary.org. Resetting.
The error was: (error #("Not an Org time string: []" 24 25 (wrap-prefix #(" " 0 8 (face org-indent)) line-prefix #(" " 0 8 (face org-indent)) fontified t) 25 26 (wrap-prefix #(" " 0 8 (face org-indent)) line-prefix #(" " 0 8 (face org-indent)) fontified t))) Disable showing Disable logging

"[2021" certainly isn't a time string, but the warning surprised me. I presume it's because of the recent improvements about persistence. I have no suggestions but thought I'd point it out in case it might crop up more if other people enter clock timestamps by hand.



William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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