Hi all,
a few weeks ago I recorded a video called "Org for non-users" -
http://angg.twu.net/2021-org-for-non-users.htmlthat was about a way to understand some of the data structures that
are used in the support for code blocks. Now I would like to do
something similar with the exporter, but I am stuck at the first
step... When I run `M-x org-export-dispatch' or `C-c C-e' it creates a
second window whose mode line says "*Org Export Dispatcher*" -
My first question is:
What are the recommended ways to abort org-export-dispatch without
letting it destroy the "*Org Export Dispatcher*" window and its
I will probably get stuck at other points later, but I think that I'll
be able to get quite far by myself if I can inspect that buffer with
the tools that I know.
All suggestions are welcome, including suggestions related to
questions that you guess that I will have later. =)
Thanks in advance!
Eduardo Ochs
http://angg.twu.net/#eev http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2021.html