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File generation from LaTeX src fails due to temporary PDF in wrong direc

From: Christian Moe
Subject: File generation from LaTeX src fails due to temporary PDF in wrong directory
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 10:04:24 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 27.2


I'm trying and failing to export images from TikZ code, apparently
because the temporary PDF is misplaced. Here is a minimal example just
exporting the PDF:

  #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}

  #+header: :fit yes
  #+begin_src latex :exports results :file ./test-tikz-triangle.png
    \begin{tikzpicture}             %
      \draw[draw=black, fill=blue!10] (0,4) -- (3,0) -- (-3,0) -- cycle;

Execution fails with an error message like this:

  org-compile-file: File "/tmp/babel-Tay2kl/latex-IJVI84.pdf" wasn’t
  produced.  See "*Org PDF LaTeX Output*" for details

It turns out, however, that the missing temporary file, here
latex-IJVI84.pdf, is in fact correctly produced. The problem is that it
is produced in the same directory as the source org file, not in the
temp directory.

I've had a quick look at org-compile-file, but don't understand what is
going wrong.

I'm running Org 9.6.2 on GNU Emacs 27.2 under Linux Mint, all very

Any suggestions?


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