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Dealing with inter-org links vs #+include

From: Brett Viren
Subject: Dealing with inter-org links vs #+include
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:09:23 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.1 (gnu/linux)


I want what may be two conflicting things:

- Produce a monolithic HTML export of an main org file that #+include:'s
  other org files.

- Have links in the other org files that are valid both when the
  monolith is exported to HTML and when visiting the individual org
  files in Emacs.

Below is a simple test.  The "main.org" includes "a.org" and "b.org".
The "b.org" has two types of links.  The link:

  [[A][A by headline only]]

is valid in the HTML export of "main.org" but it is not valid for Emacs
visiting b.org (C-c C-o gives "No match - create this as a new
heading?").  And then vice versa for the link:

  [[file:a.org::*A][A by file with headline]]

I can follow that link in Emacs but it renders to an <href> with
"a.html#MissingReference".  And export fails outright if I do not

  #+options: broken-links:t

Is there a way I can have my cake and eat it too?  That is, how can I
make a link between "sub" org files that can be followed by Emacs and
also that produces a valid HTML link when the main.org is exported?


$ ls *.org
a.org  b.org  main.org

$ for n in *.org
      echo "=== $n ==="
      cat $n
=== a.org ===
* A

This is A.
=== b.org ===
* B

This is B.  Links:
- [[file:a.org::*A][A by file with headline]].
- [[A][A by headline only]].
=== main.org ===
#+title: Main
#+options: broken-links:t

* Main

This is main.

* Includes

#+include: a.org
#+include: b.org

* Links

- A :: [[file:a.org]]

- B :: [[file:b.org]]

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