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Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-link-mode ...

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-link-mode ...
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 21:35:50 -0700

n.b. org-link-minor-mode exists, works, and i find it useful.  i think
it could use updating, but it is indispensible.

btw i have not tried embark yet.  i wonder if it could do something
similar, or maybe it doesn't fontify.

meanwhile, for years now i'm finding that i am wanting a new link-like
anchor-like feature that would also be a minor mode for non-org and
org.  a little similar to org-link-minor-mode in usage.  it is a very
simple feature that is sort of a tiny subset of what id markers can do
[those are extensible syntax thunks that use org ids in org and
non-org].  i want to be able to place ===link thunks=== anywhere, such
as elisp or shell comments, and have features for listing all of them
that exist in my common directories [shell, elisp, org] like a better
lgrep with wgrep, navigating from one to the next, fontification,
completion, etc.  so for example, i could put ===refactor whatever===
on a few things in various files, and navigate among them.  they kind
of indicate a topic or allow gathering together things that are

have to try embark sometime to see if it can do things like that.

On 8/18/09, Bastien <bastienguerry@googlemail.com> wrote:
> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.eric@gmail.com> writes:
>> Not sure if this is apropos to this conversation, but I've been thinking
>> for some time that it would be useful to have a minor mode which would
>> activate org-style links in non-org files.  For example if an org link
>> in the comment section of a source-code document could be highlighted
>> and activated so that the C-c C-o keybinding can be used to follow said
>> link. -- Eric
> Now I understand.  Maybe someone can grab some code from Org and try to
> write a minimal implementation of this.
> --
>  Bastien
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