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Re: [SUGGESTION] Re: [PATCH] org-crypt-decrypt-entry: Apply initial visi

From: Christopher M. Miles
Subject: Re: [SUGGESTION] Re: [PATCH] org-crypt-decrypt-entry: Apply initial visibility upon decryption
Date: Mon, 01 May 2023 20:26:25 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.3; emacs 30.0.50

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbchild@gmail.com> writes:
>>> We should certainly not attempt decryption on <tab> by default - it may
>>> be annoying when you actually do not want to decrypt anything, just
>>> look inside.
>> You're right, I have not consider enough.
> Of course, you can still use `org-cycle-hook' if you want this behaviour
> in your personal setup.
>>> May you elaborate what performance issues you are experiencing?
>> My performance issue is a large Org file about 2M size on saving. I will
>> reproduce and generate profiler report for more detailed data and update
>> in this thread.
> Please save the report using M-x profiler-report-write-profile - it will
> produce Elisp data that can be re-opened and examined directly.

I attached CPU and Memory report in attachments.

Attachment: cpu.report
Description: CPU Report

Attachment: memory.report
Description: Memory Report


[ stardiviner ]
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