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Re: [Pre-PATCH] Overhaul of the LaTeX preview system

From: K. Chousos
Subject: Re: [Pre-PATCH] Overhaul of the LaTeX preview system
Date: Wed, 03 May 2023 10:07:02 +0000

Hello Timothy.

First of all, thank you for your contribution. I use your fork for some days
now and I can verify that it is working correctly. I have only faced the 
following problems:

1. When a snippet contains a mistake, it correctly turns red, but no error 
   is shown when I hover my mouse over it. I have to switch to the *Org Preview 
LaTeX Output*
   to see the error.

2. Live previews do not work (like shown here https://tinyurl.com/5fu7z27w), 
   I am using the related options and use your branch up to the ---PATCH SET 
DIVIDER--- commit.

3. When using your version, the ox-hugo exporter no longer works when latex is 
   The error that appears is the following:
   org-html-format-latex: Invalid function: org-export-with-buffer-copy

4. Some key-binds (like C-c C-e to publish or C-c C-x C-l for latex-preview) do 
not work
   when the cursor is at the top of the file, before the first header.

In the attachments there are the diagnostics from the 
function and my relevant configuration.

Again, thank you for this amazing overhaul and I hope it won't be long till
we see it merged in the official Org branch.

Attachment: conf.el
Description: Text Data

Attachment: diagnostic-results
Description: Binary data

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