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Babel results don't respect narrowing

From: Sebastian Wålinder
Subject: Babel results don't respect narrowing
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2023 08:46:29 +1000


When org-babel inserts results after evaluating a org-babel block, the current 
narrowing isn't respected.

Org searches outside of the current narrowing to find a result block, then 
updates that.

Here's a example to illustrate it:
#+CAPTION: 1. Evaluate this to narrow to the elisp block (I put :results raw 
here so that it's impossible for it to narrow to the first block)
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results raw
   (re-search-forward "#\\+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp$")
   (re-search-forward "#\\+END_SRC")

#+CAPTION: 2. Evaluate this
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(+ 1 2)


So, if you narrow so that only the elisp (+ 1 2) src block is in view, and then 
evaluate it, the result that's outside of view will be updated to '3'.

This is an issue primarily with libraries that insert IDs where the results are.

Then, when the library searches for that ID it inserted in the narrowed buffer 
that doesn't contain the RESULTS tag, it won't be able to find it, as it's 
outside the view.

I believe the proper behavior to be for org-mode to create a new RESULTS tag, 
and insert 3 in there.



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