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Re: Org-mode publish: Some questions when use it for a blog

From: Christian Moe
Subject: Re: Org-mode publish: Some questions when use it for a blog
Date: Wed, 10 May 2023 09:41:34 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 27.2

>> But, generate a RSS feed with ox-rss [1] give me some problems. The
>> README is not really clear on what the Org-mode file should look. And it
>> seems to be done to generate RSS when all blog posts are a headline in
>> the same document. But on my blog, each blog post is on a different
>> document.
> Well. You can define a derived dackend for ox-rss. It will require some
> Elisp though. Check out `org-export-define-derived-backend' call in
> ox-rss.el.
> Alternatively, I am pretty sure that a number of rss generators already
> exist for static blogs. They are more likely to work using multiple
> individual html pages as input.

I've seen several people solving this by adapting the sitemap
functionality in org-publish, since the sitemap already pulls together
information about different pages. You can configure org-publish to use
a bespoke sitemap-function that formats the sitemap as an Org file
suitable for RSS export with ox-rss. This looks like a clear explainer:



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