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Re: An Org-mode-based blogging engine?

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: An Org-mode-based blogging engine?
Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 09:37:05 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 30.0.50

On 2023-05-08, at 17:48, Vinícius Moraes <vinicius.moraes@eternodevir.com> 

> I recommend using Hugo, since it supports org-mode files
> directly. Setting up Hugo to meet your requirements can be done in
> many ways, and you can find almost everything you need in their
> documentation. Although there is a bit of a learning curve, it's nothing
> that an Emacs user can't handle.

Yeah, you're probably right.  Though frankly I'd prefer to spend as
little time as possible on learning the tools here - I do not intend to
become a Hugo wizard, I just need it for this one project (well, maybe
two, but that's it).

> For integration and workflow, I've been using the easy-hugo package. It
> has everything I've needed so far, from writing to publishing to
> managing. While Hugo does support org files, there are some cases where
> you need to tinker a bit to make it work properly. For example, the
> other day, I was trying to publish a poem using verse blocks and it
> didn't work. All I had to do was trying another way, which was adding
> "//" at the end of each verse to have proper line breaking.
> You'll learn many little things like this through experience, and if
> needed, you can always use HTML/Go code to complement org-mode features.
> Regardless of which tool path you choose, blogging with org-mode is a
> great experience.

I know, I write my blog in Org and then export to Oddmuse using my
custom exporter I wrote many years ago.  But it's not fully automated,
and this time I'd like to have something much more automated.  (Also,
I don't want any DHTML - I just want to have a bunch of static files so
that it's goin gto be really fast.)


Marcin Borkowski

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