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[PATCH] ox-html.el: add option to embed SVG for CSS support in SVG

From: gerard . vermeulen
Subject: [PATCH] ox-html.el: add option to embed SVG for CSS support in SVG
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2023 13:23:01 +0000


I have been trying to export SVG images having links to CSS from Org to HTML and I have found that the this CSS is not active in Firefox (only browser I tried).

I have found that the CCS is only active under two conditions:
1. The HTML page should manage the CSS that the SVG image links to.
2. The SVG image should be embedded in the HTML page.

I wrote an ox-html derived export backend to embed SVG images:
and merged the SVG embedding functionality into ox-html.el leading to the
attached patch.

I have included an MWE below and I attached mwe.org and mwe.html with
doc8.svg and style8.svg (showing a flower and chosen for the visual impact).

You will get an M-non-WE after exporting mwe.org using ox-html on the
main branch.

# begin MWE
#+title: SVG and CSS MWE with patch or with ox-my-html backend
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style8.css" />
#+OPTIONS: ^:{} toc:nil html-embed-svg:nil
# The next line overrules html-embed-svg:t
# The next line overrules html-embed-svg:nil

[[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/SVG_and_CSS][SVG and CSS (MDN)]] is the origin of the files =doc8.svg= and
=style8.css=.  Open =doc8.svg= and =mwe.html= in Firefox to compare
hovering over the flower.  The flower is fully black in case of an
M-non-WE or in case of HTML export without patch or without ox-my-html

#+CAPTION: Is MWE with SVG embedding *and* with HTML_HEAD managing
#+CAPTION: the CSS. Becomes an M-non-WE without SVG embedding or
#+CAPTION: without HTML_HEAD managing the CSS.
# end MWE

Best regards -- Gerard

Attachment: 0001-ox-html.el-add-option-to-embed-SVG-for-CSS-support-i.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mwe.org
Description: Binary data

SVG and CSS MWE with patch or with ox-my-html backend

SVG and CSS (MDN) is the origin of the files doc8.svg and style8.css. Open doc8.svg and mwe.html in Firefox to compare hovering over the flower. The flower is fully black in case of an M-non-WE or in case of HTML export without patch or without ox-my-html backend.

SVG demonstration Mozilla CSS Getting Started - SVG demonstration SVG demonstration Move your mouse pointer over the flower.

Figure 1: Is MWE with SVG embedding and with HTML_HEAD managing the CSS. Becomes an M-non-WE without SVG embedding or without HTML_HEAD managing the CSS.

Author: Gerard Vermeulen

Created: 2023-06-05 Mon 11:10


Attachment: style8.css
Description: Text Data

Attachment: doc8.svg
Description: image/svg

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