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Re: How to export to the simplest possible HTML?

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: How to export to the simplest possible HTML?
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2023 15:16:16 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 30.0.50

On 2023-06-10, at 10:25, Thomas Redelberger <redetho@gmx.de> wrote:

> Dear Marcin and everybody,
> I had a similar requirement for "simplest HTML" and have documented (incl. 
> source code) how I tackled this under
>  http://web222.webclient5.de/doc/swdev/emacs/orgmode/html
> In summary, my solution is
> - a few settings in init.el:
>   + org-html-text-markup-alist similar to below
>   + setting org-export-allow-bind-keywords to t
> - setting quite some org variables in-buffer/in the org file
> - elisp to steer a final XSLT transformation of the generated HTML
> I had coded a derived HTML export back-end (for Emacs 25.1) and used it quite 
> for some time.
> When I moved to Emacs 27.2, the derived back-end did not work any more, hence 
> I changed to above approach.


I settled for a custom (very simple) derived exporter and
`org-export-as` with `body-only' set to `t' (and I wrap the generated
HTML in tags like `<html>' and `<body>' myself then).


Marcin Borkowski

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