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Re: [TASK] Ensure built-in babel backend consistency (standard header su

From: Thomas S. Dye
Subject: Re: [TASK] Ensure built-in babel backend consistency (standard header support) and ad documentation to the manual (was: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was: Add new :lexical header argument))
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2023 07:40:18 -1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 27.1

Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> writes:

"Thomas S. Dye" <tsd@tsdye.online> writes:

IIRC, there wasn't much discussion. The current situation doesn't seem ripe for documentation in the manual.

Here are some potential hurdles:
 - there are likely too many built-in backends;
One way forward might distinguish between babel backends for GNU software and babel backends for non-GNU software, with the former built in, guaranteed to be consistent to some standard (which needs to be formulated), and documented in the manual and the latter moved to contrib or a package archive, with documentation (if any) on Worg.

We have recently reduced the number of built-in backends:
Presumably, all that's left is useful is worth maintaining upstream.

Yes, thanks for the link. I read this thread as a first step toward enlisting maintainers for built-in backends. This effort had some success--20 packages have a designated maintainer--but still leaves 23 packages for the Org mode programmers, which seems like a lot to me.

- the built-in backends are a mixed bag--ob-lua seems half-finished to me, though I don't program in lua and struggled to set up the language to write the documentation stub on Worg;

AFAIK, most people assume that built-in backends are stable.
If they are not, it is a bug anyway. Or we should declare that we do not
maintain them.

I thought "declare that we do not maintain them" meant "move them to org-contrib". I'm not sure what you have in mind here.

- nearly a dozen of the built-in babel backends lack documentation outside the source code (see https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/index.html#orgbc466c5); and

- language support is inconsistent (see https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/lang-compat.html), which introduces complications for language agnostic literate programming.

That's what we should work on.


All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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