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Re: [BUG][SECURITY] ob-sqlite header args allows execution of arbitrary

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: [BUG][SECURITY] ob-sqlite header args allows execution of arbitrary shell commands
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 22:05:54 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.14.0

On 21/08/2023 14:04, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
+(defconst org-shell-arg-literal (gensym "literal")

(opinion) Perhaps a better name exists. Maybe org-shell-arg-tag-unescaped (or unquoted)

+  "Symbol to be used to mark shell arguments that should not be escaped.
+See `org-make-shell-command'.")
+(defun org-make-shell-command (command &rest args)
+  "Build safe shell command string to run COMMAND with ARGS.
+The resulting shell command is safe against malicious shell expansion.
+ARGS can be nil, strings, (LITERAL STRING), or a list of

(opinion) I would give an example

    `(,ob-shell-arg-literal STRING)

to avoid "LITERAL" that is confusing from my point of view. Perhaps it is better to describe its purpose more clearly: prevent raw shell constructs in ob header arguments in Org documents unless they appear in evaluated expressions.

+such elements.  LITERAL must be the value of `org-shell-arg-literal'.
+Strings will be quoted with `shell-quote-argument' while \(literal
+STRING) will be used without quoting.  nil values will be ignored."
+  (concat
+   command (when command " ")
+   (mapconcat
+    #'identity
+    (delq
+     nil
+     (mapcar
+      (lambda (str-def)
+        (pcase str-def
+          (`(or nil "") nil)

An empty string may be an important argument. E.g.

    read -r -d "" var

allows to read values separated by null character (\0), e.g. from output of find -print0. That is why I would leave just nil.

+         (when separator (format "-separator %s" separator))

Sorry, I made a typo previous time. It would not work. -separator and the separator character must *not* be combined into single argument. Sqlite does not support it.

    (and separator `("-separator" ,separator))

or (format "%s" separator) if it may have a type other than string.

I hope, this approach does not have unnoticed flaws.

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