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Re: ox-latex language handling in Org-9.5 vs 9.6

From: Juan Manuel Macías
Subject: Re: ox-latex language handling in Org-9.5 vs 9.6
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 14:42:51 +0000

Max Nikulin writes:

> I am still unsure that de and de-de should be mapped to different
> babel language configurations.

I think that for practical purposes de and de-de should be treated the
same in both babel and polyglossia. In the new fixed version of
org-babel-language-alist I thought it would be useful to support a list
of languages codes as car for each element, in addition to a simple
string. In such a way:

(("de" "de-de") :babel "ngerman" :babel-ini-alt "german" :polyglossia "german" 
:polyglossia-variant "german" :lang-name "German" :script "latin" :script-tag 

I've had to make some small modifications to
org-latex-guess-babel/polyglossia-language, to get that to work.

:babel-ini-alt refers to an alternative name that is used only if
\babelprovide is present. I'm also adding the :script and :script-tag
properties for each language.

I have done something similar with the case of Chinese Simplified (a new
language that I have added):

(("zh" "zh-cn")  :babel-ini-only "chinese" :polyglossia "chinese" :lang-name 
"Chinese Simplified" :script "hans" :script-tag "hans")

Between today and tomorrow I will try to send the patch. I saw that
org-latex-language-alist had a few typos as well, some inherited from
the previous lists that were merged.

Juan Manuel Macías 




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