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Re: Is there a size limit to org files?

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: Is there a size limit to org files?
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 19:29:28 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.1.0; emacs 30.0.50

On 2023-09-08, at 18:26, Carlo Tambuatco <oraclmaster@gmail.com> wrote:

> I noticed that an org file I was using for my capture templates was getting
> quite large
> and that my capture templates that were pasting TODO entries in that file
> were starting to exhibit
> strange behavior. Mostly just getting stuck at a mysterious "clipboard
> pasted to level 2 subtree"
> message, then it would just hang there until I hit ctrl g.
> Since this file was getting quite big and unwieldy, > 5000 lines, I decided
> to split it up, so that
> the various entries under their headers would be split up into different
> files. I basically just
> put each header into its own separate file, and updated my
> org-capture-templates accordingly.
> Since then, no strange behavior, no stalling and hanging for no apparent
> reason.
> So, I was wondering if there is hardcoded somewhere in org some kind of
> size limit to the
> files it has to deal with, or is this some limitation arising naturally
> from the size of
> the clipboard? I'm not sure how org handles large files when considering
> how to paste
> entries from capture templates.

It's a /very/ long shot, but I noticed that editing large tables (1000+
lines) can become pretty slow.  Apart from that, I have Org files with
tens of thousands lines and they work pretty well.


Marcin Borkowski

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