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Re: [RFC][PATCH] Allow to export to ascii custom link types as notes

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: [RFC][PATCH] Allow to export to ascii custom link types as notes
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 18:00:47 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 23/10/2023 16:17, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

WRT cons vs. plist, I am mostly neutral. Slightly in favour of plist for
future extensibility.

I am not sure what you mean by callback.

Originally I had an idea that :export should call some function that adds a note to info. Now I have another proposal. Instead of returning a cons, :export function should return result of some new function, e.g. (org-ascii-make-link-with-note NOTE DESCRIPTION), so a `cons' or a plist becomes an implementation detail that may be changed any time. The only inconvenience is necessity to declare this function to allow lazy loading of ox-ascii and perhaps to avoid circular dependencies.

May you provide an example when the angle brackets are not added?

angle and square brackets inconsistency

--- 8< ---
# (require 'ol-man)
# (setq org-ascii-links-to-notes nil)

- web :: [[http://orgmode.org][Org mode]]
- man :: [[man:man][man]]
- internal :: [[Heading][heading]]

* Heading
--- >8 ---
--- 8< ---
      [Org mode] (<http://orgmode.org>)
      man (http://man.he.net/?topic=man&section=all)
      heading (See section 1)

1 Heading
--- >8 ---

+           (if (string-match-p "\\`\u200b*\\[.*\\]\u200b*\\'" anchor)
+               anchor
+            (format "[%s]" anchor))

This is out of scope of the patch, isn't it?

Not really.

Do you mean "this is out of scope"?

I mean, it is a related change. E.g. ox-html and ox-latex do not add square brackets around link descriptions, it is specifics of ox-ascii. Square brackets are sometimes added for inline links, sometimes they are not. Square brackets are always added for links as notes. I would avoid duplicated square brackets when links are formatted as notes and for inline links when description is formatted with brackets.

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