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Re: [RFC][PATCH v2] Allow to export to ascii custom link types as notes

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: [RFC][PATCH v2] Allow to export to ascii custom link types as notes
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 17:23:18 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 07/11/2023 18:58, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

(funcall protocol path desc backend info *link-object*)

It would require another iteration with `condition-case' to deal with
functions having old signature.

Is it a problem?

Performance for large projects like Worg.

We can alternatively check function arity.

5 unnamed arguments for functions that are supposed to be implemented by users looks rather close to a border when it becomes fragile. The language does not enforce type checking for user-supplied functions and users would not bother as well. Multi-argument functions was a painful experience with FORTRAN for me (fortunately I was not deeply involved).

Earlier you considered :filter property that receives link object
instead of path and desc pair. I am unsure concerning name, but I like
that idea.

I feel that :filter + :export will be rather redundant - they will do
the same thing and only differ by calling convention. And we will have
issues with priority of :filter vs. :export if both happen to be
present (e.g. when a user defines a custom :export in personal config).

Fair point. :export should have precedence to not break user customization. Those who define :filter should set :export to nil. It is not perfect, but the extra argument is worse from my point of view.

Then, if the :export function returns non-string, the return value is
further processed as (org-export-data *return-value* info).

Do you mean something like the following?

(defun org-man-export (link description backend)
    "Export a man page LINK with DESCRIPTION.
BACKEND is the current export backend."
     (format "http://man.he.net/?topic=%s&section=all"; link)


It is nice idea for most backends, but it is unclear for me what the following function should return for ox-ascii

Ihor Radchenko. Re: Exporting elisp: and shell: links. Sun, 08 Oct 2023 09:48:07 +0000.
+(defun org-link--export-code (path description _ info &optional lang)
+  "Export executable link with PATH and DESCRIPTION.
+INFO is the current export info plist.
+LANG is the language name, as in #+begin_src lang.  For example, \"elisp\"
+or \"shell\"."
+  (concat
+   (org-export-data
+    (org-element-create
+     'inline-src-block
+     `( :language ,lang
+        :value ,path
+        :parameters ":exports code :noweb no :eval never"))
+    info)
+   (when description (format " (%s)" description))))

Source code should be exported inline or as a note depending on preferences. This case exported element is not a link, so description should be treated separately.

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