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Re: [PATCH] org-babel-demarcate-block: split using element API

From: gerard . vermeulen
Subject: Re: [PATCH] org-babel-demarcate-block: split using element API
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 10:50:00 +0000

On 09.01.2024 08:49, gerard.vermeulen@posteo.net wrote:
Anyhow, I have removed the comment and I have replaced check below it with
+          (set-mark (point)) ;; To simplify the next (unless ...):
+          (unless (and (>= (point) body-beg) (<= (mark) body-end))
+ (user-error "Select within the source block body to split it")) which also protects against having point in body and mark on or below #+end_src

It occurred to me to that I only should set mark to point when the region is
not active.  I will add checking for `user-error's to the ERT test.

Attached you'll find a new patch fixing the three wrong lines in the previous
and now the ERT test checks also for `user-error's.

Regards -- Gerard

Attachment: 0001-org-babel-demarcate-block-split-using-element-API.patch
Description: Binary data

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