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Re: [PATCH] Make command org-babel-detangle work interactively

From: gerard . vermeulen
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Make command org-babel-detangle work interactively
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 23:14:29 +0000

On 19.01.2024 16:20, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
gerard.vermeulen@posteo.net writes:

org-babel-detangle is an interactive command but
M-x org-babel-detangle always replies "Detangled 0 code blocks"
This patch makes org-babel-detangle prompt for a source code file.

Obviously, I got bitten by this.
I suspect that you may have some misunderstanding about how
`org-babel-detangle' works. Its docstring says:

   Propagate changes in source file back original to Org file.

So, it is expected to run from the tangled file; not from the Org file.
Yes, I misunderstood this and I see that my patch breaks this.

I think there is a typo in the docstring: "original to" must become "to original"
so that it ends with "back to original Org file".

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