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Possible LaTeX export bug: Footnotes in items

From: Eric Anderson
Subject: Possible LaTeX export bug: Footnotes in items
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 15:42:34 -0500

Hi All,

I'm new to the developers' mailing list, so I hope this is the right place to post potential bugs.  I don't claim to know exactly why, but at least for certain TOC options, the LaTeX exporter produces invalid code for item titles containing footnotes.  I've attached a minimal (non)working example.

The resulting LaTeX code (also attached) uses \footnote inside \section and \paragraph macros, producing compiler errors.  A little googling turns up the following comp.text.tex usenet post https://comp.text.tex.narkive.com/lkZWQYaS/using-footnotes-in-paragraph, explaining that \footnote is fragile and cannot be used in those contexts without \protect.  Manually adding \protect before \footnote in the automatically-generated tex file appears to produce correct results.

I don't know if the best fix is to always \protect \footnotes in LaTeX export, or if more contextual smarts are required, but this seems like an issue worth addressing.  

Eric Anderson 

Attachment: org-bug-mwe.org
Description: Binary data

Attachment: org-bug-mwe.tex
Description: Binary data

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