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Re: org-encrypt-entries is slow (was: org-crypt leaking data when encryp

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: org-encrypt-entries is slow (was: org-crypt leaking data when encryption password is not entered twice (was: Please document the caching and its user options))
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:40:56 +0000

Daniel Clemente <n142857@gmail.com> writes:

> I see it's trying to decrypt things (therefore it asks for the
> password). It shouldn't, since I didn't modify any encrypted section.
> I said „it asked me for an encryption password“ because the GPG prompt
> confusingly uses the word „encryption“ („Passphrase for symmetric
> encryption“), though it's actually asking for a decryption password.
> ...
> This is the text "abc" encrypted with password "abc". Use this file:
> * hi                                                                  
> :nocrypt:
> jA0ECQMCVpS/qSoed5f/0joBYoIRWdgt/+PVQCsZh9sg176SdnvP2Wc8tH/CV1Rk
> l2MjAh3Rk19Q2aP2EffpZ5CFeGELTMXCnCYv
> =FNtI
> -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
> Open the file, add a space to the title and save it. The first time it
> works (no questions asked) because there's no tag called :crypt:
> Now change the :nocrypt: to :crypt: and save.  It asks for the
> password. Press C-g to cancel.
> Change again the tag to :nocrypt:. Save. It asks for the encryption
> password; it shouldn't.
> Add a space to the title, save, it keeps asking for the encryption
> password, though there's no :crypt: section.

This should be fixed now.
May you try yet again?

>> > - Org spends around 20 seconds trying to save the file, in a loop,
>> > reporting:  (error "org-crypt: Encryption failed.  Not saving the
>> > buffer. Error: GPG error: \"Encrypt failed\", \"Canceled; Exit\"")
>> This is curious, but I again have no clue. Maybe the new version of the
>> branch works a bit better.
> Since this error can happen because of a problem in a different buffer
> (not the current one), would it be good to mention the file name in
> that error message?

Yes. Done now on the branch.

> I didn't see this particular problem again. But I see others, which
> are hard to report and reproduce. For instance I had an encrypted
> section under a :crypt: header (I see „BEGIN PGP“ and hex codes), I
> save, and saving *UNencrypts* the header before saving, without
> asking. It should never decrypt when saving, but it does. This happens
> with the same small example I posted above (but using the :crypt:
> tag).

The other problem you reported had something to do with incorrectly
cycling encryption state during save. I hope that fixing one also fixed

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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