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Noisy and unreliable (de-)tangling

From: Rudolf Adamkovič
Subject: Noisy and unreliable (de-)tangling
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 23:04:41 +0200


So, I started (de-)tangling heavily, to get some "IDE" support, and
oh-my, what a buggy mess it is.  Not only are tangling comments
super-noisy, the `org-babel-detangle' function is *unreliable*.  If
multiple sections have the same title, such as "Implementation", it
leads to *data loss*.

I think we should rethink this functionality with *readability* and
*reliability* in mind.  The best solution, perhaps, would be to use IDs
for `:comments yes' if `org-id-link-to-org-use-id' is set.  Otherwise,
require `#+NAME', or some other reliable mechanism.  For example:

# >>> TANGLE: <id>
# <<< TANGLE: <id>

(Python '#' comments shown above.)

What do you think?

Also ... anyone with some spare time on their hands? :)

P.S. As a cherry on top, it would be also nice to have a minor mode that
highlights tangling comments, jumps back to the relevant Org heading,

"The introduction of suitable abstractions is our only mental aid to
organize and master complexity."  --- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra, 1930-2002

Rudolf Adamkovič <rudolf@adamkovic.org> [he/him]

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