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Re: How to specify column alignment in LaTeX table output?

From: Rens Oliemans
Subject: Re: How to specify column alignment in LaTeX table output?
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:59:20 +0100

Richard H Stanton <rhstanton@berkeley.edu> writes:

> Here’s an example:
> #+begin_src python :results output replace raw 
> print("a")
> #+end_src
> Every time I run this code block, I get another line containing “a”. If I 
> don't use the raw option, e.g.,
> #+begin_src python :results output
> print("a")
> #+end_src
> the multiple-output problem goes away, but now it appears as 
> : a
> ...
> But is there a “preferred” way to output arbitrary text (e.g., LaTeX 
> equations) from Python code blocks so that they compile fine *and* don’t 
> append?

Generally, I don't know. Perhaps someone else can enlighten us on this part.

Since you are using \begin{equation} which is definitively LaTeX-specific, you
can always use the "latex" header option, say

    #+begin_src python :results output latex

    #+begin_export latex

This is more or less what you had with your flushleft drawer, so I'm not sure
whether this fixes anything or not.

> Thanks for this discussion. This is about where I get to every time I think I 
> want to use org mode to create LaTeX documents with embedded, live 
> calculations, and then after wrestling with the headers for a while I tend to 
> go back again to separate .py and .tex files controlled by GNU Make...

I know how you feel! I'm currently writing my master's thesis, and had written
the first part of it in Org. However, there were some stumbling blocks, and
whenever deadlines loom I tend to choose the quickest option, which was separate
.tex files in this case. This isn't too bad though, AUCTeX and RefTeX are
fantastic, and I'm not really combinining LaTeX with the results of code blocks.

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