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Re: [PATCH] ob-sql: session

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [PATCH] ob-sql: session
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:00:42 +0000

Phil Estival <pe@7d.nz> writes:

> ...  However, some SQL shells, like Mariadb, can only be
> configured through command line parameters. These are global in Emacs
> and set by `sql-set-product-feature'. So in order to support these,
> the function in charge of opening the connection needs different
> parameters. I could get it to run to run by setting `sql-mysql-options' 
> to "-s" , e.g. silent, but with an error on the prompt because
> (sql-get-product-feature 'mysql :prompt-regexp) is "^mysql> ".
> In conclusion, they're not exactly interchangeable even if one holds
> several functions that are aliases from the other.

>> Is there any specific reason why you are seemingly re-implementing what
>> `sql-product-interactive' does? May we re-use it instead?
> Yes. When opening a new connection `sql-product-interactive' will
> systematically ask for input in the mini-buffer prompt and fill the
> required information, suggesting inputs from the ones previously given.
> ...

What about changing sql.el to provide the necessary flexibility?
I'd prefer it better than rewriting parts of sql.el in Org mode.

(Being a part of Emacs has advantages that we can request/submit changes
upstream somewhat easier)

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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