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New Heading Parsing and org-vcard

From: Jonas Damm
Subject: New Heading Parsing and org-vcard
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 17:01:48 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 30.0.60

Reading here: https://orgmode.org/Changes.html makes me believe breaking
changes in orgmode made the seemingly unmaintained org-vcard package not
work anymore.

> Internal structure of Org parse tree has been changed
> The code relying upon the previously used (TYPE PROPERTIES-PLIST
> CONTENTS-LIST) structure may no longer work. Please use
> org-element-create, org-element-property, and other Org element API
> functions to work with Org syntax trees.
> Some syntax node properties are no longer stored as property list
> elements. Instead, they are kept in a special vector value of a new
> :standard-properties property. This is done to improve performance.
> If there is a need to traverse all the node properties, a new API
> function org-element-properties-map can be used.
> Properties and their values can now be deferred to avoid overheads when
> parsing. They are calculated lazily, when the value/property is
> requested by org-element-property and other getter functions. Using
> plist-get to retrieve values of PROPERTIES-PLIST is not recommended as
> deferred properties will not be resolved in such scenario.
> New special property :secondary is used internally to record which
> properties store secondary objects.
> New special property :deferred is used to keep information how to
> calculate property names lazily.
> See the commentary in lisp/org-element-ast.el for more details.

I tried to modify the org-vcard package, but this is beyond my

So my question is: Can I maybe downgrade orgmode or restore the old
method of parsing some other way? I relied on org-vcard pretty
heavily. I hope I can find a way to keep using it.


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