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Re: Talk proposal: Emacs Saves the Web

From: Yuchen Pei
Subject: Re: Talk proposal: Emacs Saves the Web
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2023 23:45:00 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Hi Sacha,
On Sat 2023-08-05 09:55:25 -0400, Sacha Chua wrote:

> The outline is mostly to help figure out if you have a 20-minute talk or
> a 40-minute talk, although after continued discussion, it definitely
> sounds like this topic is leaning towards being a good 40-minute talk,
> so we could probably skip it if you want. =) At your convenience, could
> you fill in https://emacsconf.org/2023/submit/ so that we have the
> speaker release and other things on file, and can then post the accepted
> proposal in https://emacsconf.org/2023/talks/ ? Thank you!

Thank you, I will do it this week.


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