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Re: [emms-help] Emms - the Emacs multimedia system

From: Jorgen Schaefer
Subject: Re: [emms-help] Emms - the Emacs multimedia system
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 14:29:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Yoni Rabkin <address@hidden> writes:

> As far as I undestand the stance of the FSF toward the FDL, they have
> an ongoing commitment to it (they did author it after all) as the
> cannonical documentation license.

Indeed. And though 1.1 contains bugs, 2.0 promises to fix all of
them :-)

> I would gladly license all the modifications I have made (and
> will make) to the documentation under the FDL version 1.1.

I'm glad to hear that. Could you add the relevant section, or do
you want me to do that?

> Besides the text of the license itself I see no reason to ever have
> invariant sections in the Emms documentation.

Luckily, licenses are invariant in any case, so you don't have to
include that explicitly in the manual itself.

        -- Jorgen

((email . "address@hidden") (www . "http://www.forcix.cx/";)
 (gpg   . "1024D/028AF63C")   (irc . "nick forcer on IRCnet"))

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