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Can not play music with emms

From: Stanislav Vlasov
Subject: Can not play music with emms
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2020 10:28:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (gnu/linux)

Dear EMMS developers,

I would really love to listen music without leaving EMACS but I can not figure 
out why EMMS does not play it.

I am on Emacs 26.3 with EMMS 5.4 (Operating System: Manjaro Linux, Kernel: 
Linux 5.6.15-1-MANJARO)

My config:
  (use-package emms
    (setq emms-player-mpv-debug t))

Here are *Messages*:
emms-player-mpv 1282.6 proc[emms-player-mpv]: stop
emms-player-mpv 1282.6 proc[emms-player-mpv]: start (mpv --quiet --really-quiet 
--no-audio-display --input-ipc-server=/home/stas/.emacs.d/emms/mpv-ipc.sock 
emms-player-mpv 1282.6 ipc: init
emms-player-mpv 1285.6 ipc: connect-delay nil
emms-player-mpv 1285.6 ipc[emms-player-mpv-ipc<1>]: open
emms-player-mpv 1285.6 json >> 
emms-player-mpv 1285.6 json << {"request_id":1,"error":"error running command"}
emms-player-mpv ipc-error: error running command
emms-player-mpv 1935.5 json >> 
emms-player-mpv 1935.5 json << {"request_id":24,"error":"error running command"}
emms-player-mpv 1935.5 json >> {"command":["set","pause","no"],"request_id":25}
emms-player-mpv 1935.5 json << {"data":null,"request_id":25,"error":"success"}

I followed the discussion here 
https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emms-help/2018-06/msg00002.html but setting 
both of the following does not help:
  (setq emms-player-mpv-ipc-connect-delays '(1))
  (setq emms-player-mpv-ipc-method 'file)

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

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