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[Emms-patches] darcs patch: Don't add subdirectories for directory a...

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [Emms-patches] darcs patch: Don't add subdirectories for directory a... (and 7 more)
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 15:48:24 -0500

Sat Nov 18 23:19:00 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * Don't add subdirectories for directory and playlist-directory source insert 

Sun Nov 19 00:19:46 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * emms.el: Fix compiler warning

Sun Nov 19 00:20:23 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * emms.el: In emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer, prompt user from available 
EMMS playlist buffers rather than all buffers, and display feedback upon 
setting the current buffer, since this is not an easy change to see

Sun Nov 19 00:22:54 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * emms-playlist-mode: Implement adding the thing at point to the current 
playlist.  If it is a playlist, add its contents instead.  Map this to the "a" 

Sun Nov 19 00:29:07 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * emms-playlist-mode: Bind "b" key to emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer.

Sun Nov 19 00:29:35 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * manual: Add documentation for new emms-playlist-mode keybindings

Sun Nov 19 00:34:10 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * Default to current buffer when setting the current EMMS playlist buffer.

Sun Nov 19 15:47:38 EST 2006  Michael Olson <address@hidden>
  * emms.el: Fix bug introduced by recent changes to 
New patches:

[Don't add subdirectories for directory and playlist-directory source insert 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119041900] {
hunk ./emms-source-file.el 121
-          (unless (let ((case-fold-search nil))
-                    (string-match emms-source-file-exclude-regexp file))
+          (unless (or (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+                        (string-match emms-source-file-exclude-regexp file))
+                      (file-directory-p file))
hunk ./emms-source-playlist.el 453
-          (unless (let ((case-fold-search nil))
-                    (string-match emms-source-file-exclude-regexp file))
+          (unless (or (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+                        (string-match emms-source-file-exclude-regexp file))
+                      (file-directory-p file))

[emms.el: Fix compiler warning
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119051946] {
hunk ./emms.el 259
+(defvar emms-playlist-buffer nil
+  "The current playlist buffer, if any.")
hunk ./emms.el 621
-(defvar emms-playlist-buffer nil
-  "The current playlist buffer, if any.")

[emms.el: In emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer, prompt user from available EMMS 
playlist buffers rather than all buffers, and display feedback upon setting the 
current buffer, since this is not an easy change to see
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119052023] {
hunk ./emms.el 642
-  (interactive "bNew playlist buffer: ")
+  (interactive
+   (list (let* ((buf-list (mapcar #'(lambda (buf)
+                                      (list (buffer-name buf)))
+                                  (emms-playlist-buffer-list)))
+                (shortest (car (sort buf-list #'(lambda (lbuf rbuf)
+                                                  (< (length (car lbuf))
+                                                     (length (car rbuf))))))))
+           (completing-read "Playlist buffer to make current: "
+                            buf-list nil t shortest))))
hunk ./emms.el 656
-    (setq emms-playlist-buffer buf)))
+    (setq emms-playlist-buffer buf)
+    (when (interactive-p)
+      (message "Set current EMMS playlist buffer"))))

[emms-playlist-mode: Implement adding the thing at point to the current 
playlist.  If it is a playlist, add its contents instead.  Map this to the "a" 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119052254] {
hunk ./emms-playlist-mode.el 128
+    (define-key map (kbd "a") 'emms-playlist-mode-add-contents)
hunk ./emms-playlist-mode.el 259
+(defun emms-playlist-mode-add-contents ()
+  "Add files in the playlist at point to the current playlist buffer.
+If we are in the current playlist, make a new playlist buffer and
+set it as current."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (emms-move-beginning-of-line nil)
+    (let* ((track (emms-playlist-track-at))
+           (name (emms-track-get track 'name))
+           (type (emms-track-get track 'type))
+           (playlist-p (or (eq type 'playlist)
+                           (and (eq type 'file)
+                                (save-match-data
+                                  (string-match "\\.\\(m3u\\|pls\\)\\'"
+                                                name))))))
+      (emms-playlist-select (point))
+      (unless (and (buffer-live-p emms-playlist-buffer)
+                   (not (eq (current-buffer) emms-playlist-buffer)))
+        (setq emms-playlist-buffer
+              (emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer (emms-playlist-new))))
+      (with-current-emms-playlist
+        (goto-char (point-max))
+        (when playlist-p
+          (insert (emms-track-description track) "\n"))
+        (let ((beg (point)))
+          (if playlist-p
+              (emms-add-playlist name)
+            (let ((func (intern (concat "emms-add-" (symbol-name type)))))
+              (if (functionp func)
+                  (funcall func name)
+                ;; fallback
+                (emms-add-file name))))
+          (when playlist-p
+            (goto-char (point-max))
+            (while (progn
+                     (forward-line -1)
+                     (>= (point) beg))
+              (insert "  ")))
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (message "Added %s" (symbol-name type)))))))

[emms-playlist-mode: Bind "b" key to emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119052907] {
hunk ./emms-playlist-mode.el 129
+    (define-key map (kbd "b") 'emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer)

[manual: Add documentation for new emms-playlist-mode keybindings
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119052935] {
hunk ./emms.texinfo 824
address@hidden a
address@hidden emms-playlist-mode-add-contents
+Add files in the playlist at point to the current playlist buffer.
+If we are in the current playlist, make a new playlist buffer and
+set it as current.
address@hidden b
address@hidden emms-playlist-set-playlist-buffer
+Set the current playlist buffer.

[Default to current buffer when setting the current EMMS playlist buffer.
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119053410] {
hunk ./emms.el 646
-                (shortest (car (sort buf-list #'(lambda (lbuf rbuf)
-                                                  (< (length (car lbuf))
-                                                     (length (car rbuf))))))))
+                (default (or (and emms-playlist-buffer-p
+                                  ;; default to current buffer
+                                  (buffer-name))
+                             ;; pick shortest buffer name, since it is
+                             ;; likely to be a shared prefix
+                             (car (sort buf-list
+                                        #'(lambda (lbuf rbuf)
+                                            (< (length (car lbuf))
+                                               (length (car rbuf)))))))))
hunk ./emms.el 656
-                            buf-list nil t shortest))))
+                            buf-list nil t default))))

[emms.el: Fix bug introduced by recent changes to 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061119204738] {
hunk ./emms.el 664
-      (message "Set current EMMS playlist buffer"))))
+      (message "Set current EMMS playlist buffer"))
+    buf))


[emms-playing-time.el: New variable `emms-playing-time-style', it
 supports two styles at present, `time' and `bar'.
[bind SPC to `scroll-up' in emms-playlist-mode and update manual.
[emms.el: Move macros to the top of the file.
[emms-player-mpd: Deal with change in output when getting supported file types
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061028042119] 
[NEWS: Add entry for recent emms-player-mpd change
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061023125738] 
[NEWS: Version 2 is version 2.0
[emms-player-mpd: Handle errors that occur when we begin playback
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061022215310] 
[emms-playlist-mode: Handle case where selection has not been set but user 
wants to delete a region
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061022201724] 
[emms-player-mplayer.el: Mplayer also supports .vob files.
[FluidSynth midi file player
[Added delYsid
 jackd is a pro-audio server which can be used as a backend for
 alsaplayer, mplayer, and lots of other linux audio apps.
 This module allows to start jackd from within emacs, and
 connect/disconnect jack client ports.
[browser: ensure the RNG is seeded before use
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20061011151535] 
[browser: require sort (fixes bug with sort-fold-case being void)
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20061010125718] 
[emms-playlist-mode: Fix typo in hook name
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061022022812] 
[emms-player-mpd: Update version recommendation
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061022012223] 
[emms-player-mpd: Work properly with tracks inserted by emms-browser
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061022011050] 
[Add NEWS items since version 2.1
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061017222117] 
[emms-player-mpd: When using the emms-volume interface, allow the user to 
specify the amount of change in the volume
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061017220404] 
[Documentation cleanups in emms-player-mpd and emms-source-playlist
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061017215345] 
[Since emms-player-seeked-to-functions and emms-player-time-set-functions hooks 
do the same thing, replace the former with the latter
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061017210238] 
[emms-browser: Fix compiler warning
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061017205310] 
[emms-player-mpd: Implement seek-to support
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061017205106] 
[fix faulty emms-playlist-mode keybinding, fix due to William and Damien.
[Added seeking to the playlist keymap, and updated the manual.
[emms-player-mpd: Only display error if we are certain that url.el is not 
Michael Olson <address@hidden>**20061004032213] 
 Add relative seek support for alsaplayer
 A simple-player definition for timidity
[emms-playing-time.el: Minor cleanups.
[emms-lyrics.el: Minor Cleanups.
 Get pause/resume working for alsaplayer
 mplayer also supports mms:// URLs
[DoTheRightThing with player pausing and emms-bookmarks.el
[Added emms-bookmarks.el
[Added `emms-pause' to emms-playlist-mode.el bound to to ``P''.
[browser: add deletion started/finished message
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060923051128] 
[Added a link to the online version of the manual.
[emms-playing-time.el now works with `seek-to'.
[Added `seek-to' to emms.el and emms-player-mplayer.el.
[browser/cache: support deleting files, make emms-cache-dirty a defsubst
Damien Elmes <address@hidden>**20060922090553] 
[TAG 2.1
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