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Jitter is now GNU Jitter

From: Luca Saiu
Subject: Jitter is now GNU Jitter
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 19:13:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus (Gnus v5.13), GNU Emacs 28.0.50, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

I am happy to announce that RMS has officially accepted Jitter as part
of the GNU Project.

I will move at least some of the infrastructure from ageinghacker.net to
gnu.org; in case the public git repository for Jitter moves I will
notify the Poke friends in advance.
Notice that jitter-devel@ and bug-jitter@ already exist, currently as
aliases of the epsilon list; in case they become separate lists I will
announce the change.

I wish to thank Richard for his trust, and for their encouragement and
suggestions my beautiful fiancée Ege, José Marchesi and the other
friends from the Poke project, particularly Mohammad and Bruno.

Luca Saiu
* My personal web site:  http://ageinghacker.net
* GNU Jitter:            http://ageinghacker.net/projects/jitter
* GNU epsilon:           http://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon

I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
matter how deeply held, with open disrespect and the same unrelented
enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".

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