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[Erc-commit] [commit][emacs22] Fix bug with pcomplete and Slashnet "hops

From: mwolson
Subject: [Erc-commit] [commit][emacs22] Fix bug with pcomplete and Slashnet "hops"
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 00:48:59 -0400

commit d814c1b0ee36867df6b44b35d46b698425b25abc
Author: Michael Olson <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Apr 19 04:35:19 2007 +0000

    Fix bug with pcomplete and Slashnet "hops"
    2007-04-19  Michael Olson  <address@hidden>
        * erc.el (erc-parse-prefix): New function that retrieves the
        PREFIX server parameter from the current server and returns an
        alist of prefix type to prefix character.
        (erc-channel-receive-names): Use `erc-parse-prefix' to determine
        whether the first character of a nick is a prefix character or
        not.  This should fix a bug reported by bromine about needing to
        type "%" first to complete nicks of people who are "hops" on
        Slashnet.  This should also support for very exotic IRC server
        setups, if any exist.
        (erc-update-current-channel-member): Indentation.
    git-archimport-id: address@hidden/erc--main--0--patch-141

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 157824b..efe62c4 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+2007-04-19  Michael Olson  <address@hidden>
+       * erc.el (erc-parse-prefix): New function that retrieves the
+       PREFIX server parameter from the current server and returns an
+       alist of prefix type to prefix character.
+       (erc-channel-receive-names): Use `erc-parse-prefix' to determine
+       whether the first character of a nick is a prefix character or
+       not.  This should fix a bug reported by bromine about needing to
+       type "%" first to complete nicks of people who are "hops" on
+       Slashnet.  This should also support for very exotic IRC server
+       setups, if any exist.
+       (erc-update-current-channel-member): Indentation.
 2007-04-15  Michael Olson  <address@hidden>
        * erc-log.el (erc-generate-log-file-name-function): Docfix.
diff --git a/erc.el b/erc.el
index 83b23b4..d0d84d0 100644
--- a/erc.el
+++ b/erc.el
@@ -4412,33 +4412,65 @@ See also `erc-channel-begin-receiving-names'."
   (setq erc-channel-new-member-names nil))
+(defun erc-parse-prefix ()
+  "Return an alist of valid prefix character types and their representations.
+Example: (operator) o => @, (voiced) v => +."
+  (let ((str (or (cdr (assoc "PREFIX" (erc-with-server-buffer
+                                       erc-server-parameters)))
+                ;; provide a sane default
+                "(ov)@+"))
+       types chars)
+    (when (string-match "^(\\([^)]+\\))\\(.+\\)$" str)
+      (setq types (match-string 1 str)
+           chars (match-string 2 str))
+      (let ((len (min (length types) (length chars)))
+           (i 0)
+           (alist nil))
+       (while (< i len)
+         (setq alist (cons (cons (elt types i) (elt chars i))
+                           alist))
+         (setq i (1+ i)))
+       alist))))
 (defun erc-channel-receive-names (names-string)
   "This function is for internal use only.
 Update `erc-channel-users' according to NAMES-STRING.
 NAMES-STRING is a string listing some of the names on the
-  (let (names name op voice)
-      ;; We need to delete "" because in XEmacs, (split-string "a ")
-      ;; returns ("a" "").
-      (setq names (delete "" (split-string names-string)))
-      (let ((erc-channel-members-changed-hook nil))
-       (dolist (item names)
-         (cond ((string-match "address@hidden(.*\\)$" item)
-                (setq name (match-string 1 item)
-                      op 'on
-                      voice 'off))
-               ((string-match "^+\\(.*\\)$" item)
-                (setq name (match-string 1 item)
-                      op 'off
-                      voice 'on))
-               (t (setq name item
-                        op 'off
-                        voice 'off)))
-       (puthash (erc-downcase name) t
-                erc-channel-new-member-names)
-       (erc-update-current-channel-member
-        name name t op voice)))
+  (let (prefix op-ch voice-ch names name op voice)
+    (setq prefix (erc-parse-prefix))
+    (setq op-ch (cdr (assq ?o prefix))
+         voice-ch (cdr (assq ?v prefix)))
+    ;; We need to delete "" because in XEmacs, (split-string "a ")
+    ;; returns ("a" "").
+    (setq names (delete "" (split-string names-string)))
+    (let ((erc-channel-members-changed-hook nil))
+      (dolist (item names)
+       (let ((updatep t)
+             ch)
+         (if (rassq (elt item 0) prefix)
+             (cond ((= (length item) 1)
+                    (setq updatep nil))
+                   ((eq (elt item 0) op-ch)
+                    (setq name (substring item 1)
+                          op 'on
+                          voice 'off))
+                   ((eq (elt item 0) voice-ch)
+                    (setq name (substring item 1)
+                          op 'off
+                          voice 'on))
+                   (t (setq name (substring item 1)
+                            op 'off
+                            voice 'off)))
+           (setq name item
+                 op 'off
+                 voice 'off))
+         (when updatep
+           (puthash (erc-downcase name) t
+                    erc-channel-new-member-names)
+           (erc-update-current-channel-member
+            name name t op voice)))))
     (run-hooks 'erc-channel-members-changed-hook)))
 (defcustom erc-channel-members-changed-hook nil
@@ -4530,15 +4562,15 @@ See also: `erc-update-user' and 
              (setq changed t)
            (setf (erc-channel-user-op cuser)
                  (cond ((eq op 'on) t)
-                                  ((eq op 'off) nil)
-                                  (t op))))
+                       ((eq op 'off) nil)
+                       (t op))))
          (when (and voice
                     (not (eq (erc-channel-user-voice cuser) voice)))
              (setq changed t)
            (setf (erc-channel-user-voice cuser)
                  (cond ((eq voice 'on) t)
-                                     ((eq voice 'off) nil)
-                                     (t voice))))
+                       ((eq voice 'off) nil)
+                       (t voice))))
          (when update-message-time
            (setf (erc-channel-user-last-message-time cuser) (current-time)))
          (setq user-changed
@@ -4560,11 +4592,11 @@ See also: `erc-update-user' and 
                      (erc-server-user-buffers user))))
        (setq cuser (make-erc-channel-user
                     :op (cond ((eq op 'on) t)
-                                      ((eq op 'off) nil)
-                                      (t op))
+                              ((eq op 'off) nil)
+                              (t op))
                     :voice (cond ((eq voice 'on) t)
-                                      ((eq voice 'off) nil)
-                                      (t voice))
+                                 ((eq voice 'off) nil)
+                                 (t voice))
                     (if update-message-time (current-time))))
        (puthash (erc-downcase nick) (cons user cuser)

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