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[ESPResSo-devel] ESPResSo 3.1rc1

From: Olaf Lenz
Subject: [ESPResSo-devel] ESPResSo 3.1rc1
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 14:13:17 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20120206 Thunderbird/10.0


I believe that I have just finished the preparations for the ESPResSo
3.1 release. I would be happy if some of you would have a last look at
what is in the github repo, before I will finally do the release
tomorrow morning.
The only things that should be done on the master until then are
bugfixes and maybe some fixes in the documentation!


Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Lenz
Institut für Computerphysik, Pfaffenwaldring 27, D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49-711-685-63607

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