Hello devs,
this is basically a question for Olaf as he is the only
author mentioned for pressure_tcl.c.
I have different results for these two commands (which I
had thought to be the total stress tensor in both cases):
set tens [analyze stress_tensor total]
puts $tens
set tens [analyze stress_tensor]
set tens [lindex $tens 0 ]
puts $tens
I find this in the file: tcl/pressure_tcl.c
else if (ARG0_IS_S("total")) {
for(j=0; j<9; j++) {
tvalue[j] = p_tensor.data.e[j];
for (i = 1; i < p_tensor.data.n/9; i++)
tvalue[j] += total_p_tensor.data.e[9*i + j];
But this in:
for(j=0; j<9; j++) {
value = total_p_tensor.data.e[j];
for (i = 1; i < total_p_tensor.data.n/9; i++) value
+= total_p_tensor.data.e[9*i + j];
Tcl_PrintDouble(interp, value, buffer);
The first version looks a bit suspicious to me, but could
be legitimate code.... if these two are supposed to be
different, can I have something in the docs to say how and why